
















What is 2high4lifeTV?

Launched on the 27 Aug 2015, 2high4life has established the number one Periscope community attracting users from around the world. With shows like the Hooker Hunter, Everyday is different with 2high4lifeTV. If your not following us, look us up on Periscope and check out our previous shows below.

But, what is Periscope

Periscope is a live video streaming app for iOS and Android yet feeds can be viewed via the web. To join in the fun with 2high4lifetv, you will need either the IOS or Android application and an account. An account is either created with your mobile number or you can log in via Twitter. We highly recommend logging in with Twitter for a richer user experience.

So what happens on 2high4lifeTV?

Hang out with us, We are Reality TV, we show you life be it emotional or fun. But... Expect fun, lots of fun. Travel with Jay around Los Angeles, Visit Disney Land and enjoy the sights of England - the list goes on. Make sure to check out our past show pages for our catchup shows.

Coop Awards Winner: BestPeriFam

Winner of the ultimate prize, BestPeriFam. Check out our members pages for more details.