2high4life is for all of you. We are a community, a group, a crew and a family with some redonkulas designs to keep you looking fresh. You will find us all over the internet.
We took over periscope now find us daily on live.me - go download it now!
2high4life DazedonDosha
2high4life Lyndsay
The babes of 2high4life!
Oh yes the babes of 2high4life is back everyone. Make sure to check them out and find them on live.me. Be nice as these girls have a strong block game!
2high4life is a way of life, a motto if you like. We are a brand, a Clothing range, a group, a community! While many members are smokers this isnt just what we are about. We strongly believe you can be high on anything life has to offer.
2hgh4life is a registered company.
Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States of America.